Bursting with creativity!

Written by Myfanwy Gloster


Posted on May 04 2017

Feels a little strange wiring the blog on a thursday when I'm so used to settling down on a friday to do so... but I'm super excited to be off to London with weekend to a friends wedding and to London Craft Week!

We've been pretty busy this week, on monday we entered some pieces into the Local agricultural show in Nefyn. 

Tom proudly won the wood working category with his Oak whisky barrel spoon. 

Wednesday evening saw my tv debut on welsh cookery program Cegin Bryn! Last year Bryn came to the house to do some gluten free cooking, then a few weeks later i headed down to London to cook with him at his restaurant! it was quiet the experience! 

The program is online here for the next few days if you'd like to catch up on it, lots of gluten free recipes and lots of Glosters pottery shots too!


Having entered the nefyn show and been successful we've been really busy creating a super sized poster for our Creative Eisteddfod which is on may 29th! We've also had some leaflets printed with all the details, these will be available in the shop from Monday. But here's a low down of all the categories so you can all get started!

Eisteddfod categories- 

Lego-Lego creation of a local scene or building

Baking-6 decorated cupcakes with a seaside theme

flower arranging-a small floral arrangement

photography-local scene

drawing/painting-pet or animal

Knitting/crochet-your best creation


Open call-enter your best creative make, anything your super proud of. 

Age categories are as follows- 

Year 2 and below
year 6 and below
year 10 and below 
16+ (adult entries are strongly encouraged, this is for the whole community) 


All entries to be at capel Salem by 10 am on may 29th, judging will take place at 11.30-12.30pm. There will be rosettes and prizes for the winners. We're working on securing some guests judges to help us with the judging on the day, these will hopefully be a range of local business owners.

Lots more next week! Off to London now! the boss is in charge though along side Mother Griffiths!


M x