'Do we want a kiln this big..? yes.. yes we do!'
•Posted on May 12 2017

This week has gone so quickly! We started off in London celebrating a friends wedding where we also came across the most wonderful cycle ride in the world! The Tweed Run! We most defiantly plan on entering this next year it looks truly amazing! Check it out here!-
Once we came back to work on monday it was straight into our eisteddfod prep, all the leaflets and posters have arrived, leaflets can be found at Pikes, Lili Wen, Big Rock cafe, Toy Box and Alan James hair dressing as well as in Glosters. A big thank you to Lili Wen for creating a super awesome Eistedddfod window too!
We've started making all the winner rosettes in the workshop and they're looking really cool!
We've sent some Jugs off to the guys at Welsh Lavender this week too, we stock their wonderful lotions and potions in the shop, they now stock our mini jugs which they are taking to the Hay festival this year, look out for them if you're visiting.
Lots of colourful items have come out of the kiln this week as we've been super busying firing stock for this Saturday (tomorrow) we're visiting the Gwyl Fwyd in Caernarfon with a stand in the old market hall on Palace street, it looks set to be an awesome day, if you're a fan of good food, live music and excellent craft its the place to be this weekend.
(we so need a another kiln....)
A commission for two salt pots was posted all the way to Cyprus! These aren't normally for sale but we do make them as commissions currently. They are probably something we'll add to the collection this winter.
New for this Saturday are some purple mugs! And also our new jug and sugar bowl sets.
Fairs are always super exciting because we get to think of display ideas, with a big fair coming up for us in July (more info soon) this is a test run for us.
We've been to Lili Wen, the local florist, and stocked up with a beautiful range of blooms to display in our vases. and had a few test run's with display ideas today.
A full range of ceramics decorations is ready now too including the summer sand range.
Yesterday we made the pilgrimage to Stoke to pick up some more supplies, yet more clay and glazes! We where also super lucky to have landed some sample sale tickets at Emma Bridgewater. It's a great day out, a chance to buy some one off samples, a tasty lunch, a factory tour and a chance to decorate your own piece of poetry. I always joke that this is how big I imagine Glosters to be in 30 years... I absolutely want a kiln that big! and that many mugs being made... we'll see! some photos from the day are below.
Hopefully tomorrow will be fun filled and we'll see lots of vases in new homes soon!
Have a great weekend!
M x