Springing into action!
•Posted on February 19 2016
Since last weeks post...
Lets start with the Yarn Bomb!
So having spent most of january crocheting 60 hearts the potter and I went out at midnight last friday to plant them around town, without looking like complete loons... we attached them with pegs to fences, trees, railings and signs.
By 10am on Saturday on our way to work... there was no sign of any hearts left!
We had lots contact us to tell us where they'd found them. We also had lots of people in to tell us they didn't find one... So during the day on Saturday I managed to crochet 21 mini hearts that we then left around town on our way home... we also left a few in tesco on our shopping trip! The one left in a egg box still tickles me!
If you did miss out on a crochet heart... then don't worry! Tom is busy making a 'Pottery Bomb' currently ready for easter Saturday. More details on that soon.
And of course.. Wales won the rugby!

Valentines day was lovely! Even the potter bought flowers! (yes... I had to crochet some extra hearts for us!)

So now we have St davids Day and Mother's Day fast approaching!
We've had some lovely cards in by Nansi Nudd ready for mother's day along with more of their popular notebooks, perfect little gifts for doodlers and planners.

We're onto our third window display of the year already! where is this year going? We've opted for St Davids day for this window... so obviously we needed daffodils... and I ordered 400 of them from a lovely farm in Cornwall who super quickly sent them out to me!
Longing to sit outside in some spring sunshine I created an out door scene. Using a bench that we where given as a wedding gift.. (we've never finished our garden to use it... but this year thats happening!) I made some windows using card and decorated them with gift wrap welsh blanket awnings. I also used an old window frame that we made into a mirror (again it's meant for our garden... we'll get there... right?!'

Then 3 window boxes jammed packed with daffodils! Last year we had hanging daffodils in test tubes, I fell in love with them, they gave the window such colour that I've dug out the test tubes again and hung a few up with daffodils in.
It's just a matter of waiting now for them all to open, hopefully by next week we'll have a full bloom photo to share.
I have considered that as each daffodil dies I should replace them with crochet ones, but I haven't mastered a crochet daffodil yet!

Have a great weekend everyone! We're paint testing.. 4 different shades of white! Who knew!
M x