It's not blog friday... it's catch up wednesday!
•Posted on June 14 2017

So... I went a bit off gird for a couple of weeks blog wise! let me explain! I had what can only be described at 'man flu' it was pretty bad! with it being half term at the time i couldn't have a sick day... well actually I can't have a sick day anyway because if the shops shut... no one gets paid! self employment perk...?! then... well then we where super busy! we charged off to devon for 24 hours!
So, lets catch up!
Father's day is only a few days away so we've had a change of window display (dad windows are hard!) I drew the funkiest Dad on the window, we've named him Jeffrey! He drinks grasshoppers! The window is filled with dad gifts, all sorts of lotions and potions!
We rushed down to devon and back all in 24 hours! We visited the Contemporary Craft fair in Bovey Tracey, a fair I've been to for the last 10 years. I've found a lot of makers here for stocking the shop, it was nice to catch up with old friends and make new ones. I treated myself to a seagull from The cat in the shoe.
On sunday we went to Cardigan View Caravan park just up the road and did a couple of hours throwing pots with some of the owners there.
Monday saw us travel to Anglesey to deliver stock to Llynnon Mill and Halen Mon. The mill was stunning!
This coming Saturday we're having a succulent sale at the shop as well as a cushion sale to make way for new stock. Pop by if you fancy a bargain cushion or exotic plant!
I've caught up I think... Friday's blog will be a update from the workshop and how busy we are in there currently! just keep potting!!
Myf x