January Blues/ All is pink!
•Posted on January 23 2015
After the success of our christmas window and winning the best window in town! (chuffed!)
We where all ready for some great windows this year too! We started with our January blues window. After no snow for Christmas and just a lot of rain it seemed right to brighten the window with some colourful umbrellas and silver rain that we painstakingly made from tin foil and stitched together!
We added some comfy seating, blankets and cushions, all you need on a cold winters evening and of course a fire! Arthur even popped in wearing his finest tweed!
In Wales we celebrate St Dwynwens day, the patron saint of love, on January 25th. Its an excuse for us Welsh ladies to be spoilt on two days of the year ;) (as though we need an excuse!)
To brighten up the streets we thought we'd go big, bold and pink!
With the clever use of some pink lighting film we've made all the window light bright pink. We based the window on our wedding and used the large wooden letters made by Father Griffiths as a centre pieces. We also put to good use the wooden postbox he made especially for the wedding and taking inspiration from the tower of London poppy display we have hundreds (we didn't count but it was a lot!) of envelopes cascading from the post box.
In our little side window we have our table plan made from an old window frame and some mirrored glass.
Its nice to use everything thats so personal to us, we put everything into the shop so why not reflect that in the window display?
To finish it all off huge amounts of card hearts where cut out and stitched together, we've filled the shop with them too. As you walk in now we have a table full of valentines gift ideas.
Love is is the air.... spoil someone you love :)